Please search for  “Suga shrine” or “KOZANGUMI” by Google map.

5-6 Suga-Cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

*Nearest station to Suga Shrine is “Yotsuya-sanchome” of the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line. About 8 minutes on foot.
*The second close station is  “Shinanomachi” of the JR sobu line. About 10 minutes on foot.
*The third close station is “Yotsuya” of the JR chuo line. About 15 minutes on foot.

Detailed route of the train pdf



Detailed map around the Suga Shrine pdf



To ask for directions in Japanese say, “Suga Jinja wa doko desuka?”

Google map


If you have wi-fi access or a cell phone data plan in Japan,
those who have made reservations can contact Kozan Ishikura via WhatsApp or Skype accounts.

Should you get lost trying to find Suga Shrine we can help you find your way.
Also, these accounts will serve as emergency contact methods in case you absolutely must cancel.

Contact to Kozan Ishikura

*Whats App ID: +81 90-3007-4205

*Skype ID:  Kozan Ishikura

*facebook messenger ID:  shaku8kozan


YouTube Channel of Kozan Ishikura and KOZANGUMI